Automated distribution and acceptance of corporate deals
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Adviser Bid provides full transparency of broker and issuer visibility and creates an AFSL mandated audit trail that minimises risks of error or deliberate non-compliance.
Adviser Bid’s built-in compliance assurance is continually maintained to reflect changing rules and regulations about corporate offers and bid acceptance. Adviser bid enables automatic online distribution of offers and acceptance of bids by clients.
Advise Bid uses stored client profiles data to automatically generate letters of offer. It also conveys and accepts online bids, generating all legally required transactional documents.
This automation of core adviser functions can save hours, days, or even weeks of administration and corporate paperwork. Adviser Bid empowers advisers to maximise exposure of Corporate IPO and capital raising deals amongst their online network.
The ability to instantly translate a client’s offer into an online format that allows electronic distribution to and acceptance by nominated advisers and brokers ensures that uptake of deals is maximised. Complii offers the innovative Adviser Bid , capital raising tool helping clients make informed investment decisions Discover more and enhance your portfolio today