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What are the disadvantages of breast implants? Professional

4 weeks ago   Beauty & Well being   Delhi   39 views
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Multiple women use breast implant operations for many reasons, such as increasing the size of the breasts, altering their shape, and making the breasts look more even. Breast augmentation has advantages and disadvantages, like anything else worth pursuing in life. To assist you in making an informed decision, you may have read at multiple places about its benefits.

We have specifically compiled this blog to let our audience know about the disadvantages or any complications related to breast implants.

Let us take a look at what can be the possible complications of breast implant surgery in Delhi.

What are the common breast implant complications?

After recovery, time is needed for the body to adjust. Typical side effects of breast implant surgery are:

  • Temporary pain
  • Swelling and bruising
  • A feeling of tightness around the chest

Breast implant surgery has its risks. Sometimes things do not go as planned, and complications can occur afterward. The most common complications are:

  • Thick, noticeable scarring that does not fade
  • Hardening of the breast tissue
  • A rupture or leak in the implant
  • Rotation of implant within the breast
  • The rippling of the implant, if a thin layer of tissue covers the implant and sticks to the implant surface
  • Infection
  • Being unable to breastfeed, producing less milk than before
  • Being dissatisfied with the results
  • Nerve damage to the nipples

Other less common complications of breast implants in Delhi are:

  • Excessive bleeding during the surgery
  • An allergic reaction to anaesthesia
  • A blood clot forms in veins deep inside the body.

Very rare complications or disadvantages

  • An immune cell cancer or anaplastic anaemia or ALCL is also related to breast implants. This type of cancer is extremely rare and is found in the women with breast implants,
  • ALCL is usually found several years after the implant has been placed and is detected when women start noticing swelling around the breasts.

Breast Implant Surgery in Delhi: Knowing the Most Common Disadvantages in Detail

Potential Leaks

While leaks are less common, they can still occur. Most of the time, leaks can occur due to any potential accident. With saline implants, you can know immediately that they have deflated, and you can make an appointment to remove or replace the implant.

However, with saline implants, the leak is quite difficult to notice; when it happens, you must replace it.

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Loss of Sensation

In rare situations, permanent loss of sensation in the nipples and entire breasts is possible.

When loss of sensation, numbness, or any change in sensitivity does occur, it is far more likely to happen right away after surgery and for the loss of sensitivity to be temporary.

The size, placement, or positioning of the implant usually causes numbness. Sensitivity usually returns as the swelling goes down, the implant can settle into position, and numbness disappears.

Regular Imaging

Finally, one main disadvantage of breast implant surgery in Delhi is that you need regular imaging, such as an MRI, at least once a year. These tests ensure any leaks in the implants are caught immediately.

If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentation surgery in Delhi, contact Dr. Shobhit Gupta today. He is a board-certified surgeon with extensive experience in breast augmentation surgeries. He will happily answer all your questions about the potential advantages and disadvantages of breast implant surgery in Delhi.

What are the side effects of breast implants?